Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies
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 RCDL 2014: Dubna 
 RCDL 2013: Yaroslavl 
 RCDL 2012: Pereslavl 
 RCDL 2011: Voronezh 
 RCDL 2010: Kazan 
 RCDL 2009: Petrozavodsk 
 RCDL 2008: Dubna 
 RCDL 2007: Pereslavl 
 RCDL 2006: Suzdal 
 RCDL 2005: Yaroslavl 
 RCDL 2004: Pushchino  
 RCDL 2003: St.Petersburg 
 RCDL 2002: Dubna 
 RCDL 2001: Petrozavodsk 
 RCDL 2000: Protvino 
 RCDL 1999: St.Petersburg 
Supported by RFBR

Proceedings of the RCDL 2003

Keynote: What can semantics do for Bioinformatics?.
Amit Sheth

How Many Small Libraries Can Be a Large Library.
Michael Christoffel, Guido Wojke, Max Gensthaler

Integration of Digital Library of Remote Sensing Data to Earth Observation Information System.
E.B. Kudashev, A.D. Balashov

Access and Reproduction Policies of the Digital Material of Seven National Libraries.
Alexandros Koulouris, Sarantos Kapidakis

Personalization of subject mediator in the gene expression regulation domain.
D.O. Briukhov, V.N. Zakharov, L.A. Kalinichenko, S.A. Stupnikov, N.L .Podkolodny

RVOT: A Tool For Making Collections OAI-PMH Compliant.
K. Sathish, K. Maly, M. Zubair, X. Liu

Automatic text classification using neuro-nets algorithms and semantic analysis.
A Andreev, D. Berezkin, V. Morozov, K. Simakov

Machine Learning Method for Text Categorization, Based on Modelling of Classifier's Logic.
M.S. Ageev, B.V. Dobrov, N.V. Makarov-Zemlyanskii

Statistical Query Transformations for Question Answering in the Web.
Ilya Boyandin, Igor Nekrestyanov

Studing Search Quality of A Word-pair Approach to Informational Retrieval.
Maxim Gubin

Some Aspects of Developing and Using the Digital Learning Environment in Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype.
Terry Smith, Alex Ushakov, Bill Heller

A Model and Research Agenda for Educational Community-based Digital Libraries: The Digital Library for Earth System Education.
Mary Marlino, Tamara Sumner

Developing Digital Library Visual Services for Building a Lesson-Design Environment Prototype.
O. Agapova, R. Mayer, T. Smith, A.S. Ushakov, A.A. Ushakov, Stefan Decker

"VIVOS VOCO" as an Opportune Variant of the Net Educational Library.
A.M. Shkrob

Metadata Strategies to Address NSDL Objectives.
Dave Fulker

Ontological Modeling.
Leonid Kalinichenko, Michele Missikoff, Federica Schiappelli, Nikolay Skvortsov

Thesauri and Ontologies for Digital Libraries.
Pavel Smzr, Anna Sinopalnikova, Martin Povolny

From Cuneiform Archives to Digital Libraries: The Hermitage Museum Joins the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
Natalia Koslova, Peter Damerow

Conception of the virtual biological museum and GRID : from the data store to the distributed resource.
Tiras Kh. P., Ilyasov F.E., Sobolev S.I., Voevodin Vl.V

Digital Archives, Museums and Expositions.
Alexander Marchuk

The distributed informational system "Virtual museum of science and technique SB RAS".
Yu.I. Shokin, A.M. Fedotov, V.A. Lamin, V.B. Barachnin, O.L. Zhizhimov, N.A. Mazov, B.N. Pishik, N.N. Pokrovki

Approaches to description and using thesauri in information systems.
A. S. Ajiev, H .M. Nguyen

Automatic Detection of Text Entries for Information Retrieval Thesaurus.
B.V. Dobrov, N.V. Loukachevitch, S.V. Syromyatnikov

Ontology for molecular spectroscopy of atmospheric gases.
O.B. Rodimova, S.D. Tvorogov, A.Z. Fazliev

Modeling of the Context for Mobile Application Agent in Dynamic Environment.
Leontiev I.V.

Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Library Shelf for Information Science Content.
Sabine Heinz, Thomas Mandl, Christa Womser-Hacker

The Archimedes Project: Realizing the Vision of an Open Digital Research Library for the Study of Long-Term Developments in the History of Mechanics.
Urs Schoepflin

Methodical Web Resource Devoted to Digital Libraries.
Akimov S.I., Arnautov S.A., Boichenko A.V., Ershova T.V., Kapustin D.V., Kogalovsky M.R., Serebrjakov V.A., Filinov E.N., Xoxlov Ju.E.

The techlology of electronic documents publication and maintainance in the collections of informational resources of the digital library of KRC RAS.
Vdovitsyn V.T., Sorokin A.D.

Navigating and Browsing 3D Models in 3DLIB.
Hesham Anan, Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair

A Graph Based Approach to Comparing Search Engines.
Jinghao Miao, Daniel Berleant

Developing a simple production and dissemination model for a complex DL-news service using XML, XSLT and TEI.
Alejandro Bia, Jaime Gomez

Finding "the Stuff:" Making Standard Bibliographic Data Useful for an Online Environment.
Michael Neubert, Sandra J. Bostian

An Efficient Implementation of the Vector Model in Information Retrieval.
Tomas Skopal, Pavel Moravec, Michal Kratky, Vaclav Snasel, Jaroslav Pokorny

Supporting regular expressions in queries to distributed XML documents.
Dmitry Barashev

Query processing time in the distributed information systems based on Z39.50.
Oleg Zhizhimov, Sergey Skibin

RDFS-system architecture. Practical usage of opensource standards and technologies in ISIR system.
Bezdushny A.A., Bezdushny A.N., Nesterenko A.K.,Serebryakov V.A., Sysoev T.M.

Structure and Implementation of the RSL Dissertations Digital Library.
Lavrenova O.A., Vezhnevets A.A.

The electronic encyclopedic collection Rubricon.
Popov I.V., Frolkina N.A.

Multifunctional digital library 'T-Libra': WWS-architecture, integrated catalogue, adjustable multi-rubricator, flexible parameterized full-text search.
Sergey Lyapin, Alexey Kukovyakin

Informational resources for atmospheric chemistry.
A.Yu. Akhlyostin, N.A. Lavrentev, A.Z. Fazliev

Numerical Databases as Components of Scientific Informaton System.
E.G. Kolesnichenko, S.A. Losev, A.L. Sergievskaya, V.V. Varlamov, V.V. Chesnokov

Digital Library on the XIXth Century Russian Literature.
Serguey Volkov, Alexandr Gerd, Oleg Grinbaum, Victor Zakharov, Ascold Muratov,Ivan Pankov

Digital collection of the Zoological Institute of RAS.
I.S. Smirnov, A.L. Lobanov, A.F. Alimov, V.A. Krivokhatsky

Ontology Engineering in the Astrometry Applications.
A.E. Avramenko

International Virtual Observatory: current status and summary of discussions at XXV General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union.
O.Yu. Malkov, O.B. Dluzhnevskaya, A.A. Kilpio, E.Yu. Kilpio

Federal principles of the integrated bank creation from heterogeneous knowledge collections.
O.P. Zhelenkova, V.V. Vitkovskij, N.A. Kalinina, V.S. Shergin, V.N. Chernenkov

Development of Russian Internet Resources for Solar-Terrestrial Physics.
A. Zaitzev, V. Ishkov, A. Kozlov, V. Obridko, V. Odintsov, V. Petrov, V. Nazarov, M. Tikhonova

Zhuravlev S., Yudina T, Dobroff B., Karassev O., Bogomolova A., Sennov R., Bogomolov N, Kovalev A..
The Internet-accessible Data Bases on Social and Economic Statistics

The project of the specialized Internet-resource for presentation and analysis of folklore songs.
A. Varfolomeyev, I. Kravtsov, N. Moskin

A.S. Ajiev, A.N. Bezdushny, S.P. Konovalov, V.A. Serebriacov.
Russian Mathematical WEB portal

Yaroslavl Region Digital Library. Work Results, Prospect Of Development.
Paley D., Kurchinsky D., Smirnov V.

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