Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies
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 RCDL 2014: Dubna 
 RCDL 2013: Yaroslavl 
 RCDL 2012: Pereslavl 
 RCDL 2011: Voronezh 
 RCDL 2010: Kazan 
 RCDL 2009: Petrozavodsk 
 RCDL 2008: Dubna 
 RCDL 2007: Pereslavl 
 RCDL 2006: Suzdal 
 RCDL 2005: Yaroslavl 
 RCDL 2004: Pushchino  
 RCDL 2003: St.Petersburg 
 RCDL 2002: Dubna 
 RCDL 2001: Petrozavodsk 
 RCDL 2000: Protvino 
 RCDL 1999: St.Petersburg 
Supported by RFBR

Proceedings of the RCDL 2002

Russian Information, Computing and Telecommunication Resources for Supporting Basic Research (an Analysis of Theprojects Supported by RFBR).
V. Wolfengagen, A. Zabrodin, M. Kogalovsky, O. Plechova, A. Tomilin,V. Shnitman

Extensible Ontological Modeling Framework for Subjectmediation.
L.A. Kalinichenko, N.A. Skvortsov

Visually Motivated Knowledge Representation in Digital Libraries of Scientific Documents.
I.M. Zatsman

Building a Digital Library from the Ground Up: Anexamination of Emergent Information Resources in the Machinelearning Community.
Sally Jo Cunningham

Some Perspectives for Digital Libraries Usage Asknowledge Sources for Expert Systems.
V.V. Smirnov, M.V. Beljaev

JINR Digital Information Resources: Concept Andtechnological Decisions.
Valery F. Borisovsky, Lidiya A. Kalmykova, Marina G. Kekelidze,Vladimir V. Korenkov, Edward G. Nikonov, Tatyana A. Strizh,Irina A. Filozova

On the Information Systems for the National Scientific Societies (with the Example, Information System of Russian Physical Society IRID).
A.P. Kovaleva, S.A. Krashakov, L.V. Shchur, L.N. Shchur

National Information Infrastructure of a Science,Culture and Education: Representation of Resources of Electronic Libraries.
E. Filinov, A. Boychenko

"Scientific Kazan" as a Prototype of Electronic Library for Science and Education.
A.M. Elizarov, N.A. Nikiforov, T.E. Yakubov

The Digital Library in Astronomy. An Example of a World-Wide Collaboration of Information Providers.
G. Eichhorn, Alberto Accomazzi, Carolyn S. Grant, Michael J. Kurtz,Stephen S. Murray

The Russian Virtual Observatory. Information System of the Centre for Astronomical Data.
O. Dluzhnevskaya, O. Malkov, D. Kovaleva, E. Kilpio, A. Kilpio, L. Sat

From Electronic Catalogues to Electronic Library.
S. Vlasova, N. Kalenov

The Russian Virtual Observatory as the National Information Resource.
V.V. Vitkovskij, O.P. Zhelenkova, E.I. Kajsina, N.A. Kalinina, G.A.Mal'kova, V.N. Chernenkov,V.S. Shergin

The GRID Adventures: SDSC's Storage Resource Brokerand Web Services in Digital Library Applications (Invited talk).
Arcot Rajasekar, Reagan Moore, Bertram Ludaescher, Ilya Zaslavsky

Creating of Russian Segment of European Infrastructure EU DATAGRID.
V. Ilyin, V. Korenkov

Digital Copy of the Pulkovo Plate Collection.
E. Poliakow, N. Kanaeva, I. Kanaev, T. Pugatch

The System for Quick Search of the Astronomical Objects and Events in the Digital Plate Archives.
A.V. Sergeev, T.P. Sergeeva

Photographic Data Bases and Using Their Forastrophysical Tasks.
N.I. Bondar'

WWW Site "Solter" - "Atmosphere and Gelio-Geophisicalsituation in Siberia.
A.Yu. Akhlyostin, E.M. Anisimova, V.I. Egorov, A.V. Mikhalev, A.Z.Fazliev

Atomic Nucleus and Nuclear Reaction Physics Scientific Data Digital Collection of MSU SINP CDFE.
I.N. Boboshin, V.V. Varlamov, S.Yu. Komarov, N.N. Peskov, S.B. Semin,M.E. Stepanov, V.V. Chesnokov

Development the Internet-Resources Insolar-Terrestrial Physics for the Science and Education.
A. Zaistev, V. Ishkov, A. Kozlov, V. Obridko, V.Odintsov

Some Points of the Karelian Research Center's Digital Library Constructing.
Vladimir T. Vdovitsyn, Anatoly D. Sorokin

Digital Libraries CSAL - Problems and Solution.
Michael A. Avetisov, Evgeny V. Kramchaninov, Vasily I. Stelletshky

Object Oriented Enviroment for Pulsar Astrometry Data Management.
A.E. Avramenko

The Use of XML to the Description of Devirse Observational Data.
V.V. Vitkovskij, O.P. Zhelenkova, N.A. Kalinina, V.S. Shergin, V.N.Chernenkov, G.A. Mal'kova

Current Problems of the Digital Library of the Russian State Library.
Boris S. Perli

Digital Format for Depositary Part of Scientific Publications' Collection.
Galina Evstigneeva, Andrei Zemskov

The Organization of Knowledge Spaces for a Virtual Learning Environment Supported by a Digital Library.
Terence R. Smith, Olga Agapova, Michael Freeston, Alex Ushakov

Digital Library for Aerospace Education.
Å.B. Kudashev

Expanding the Scope of Community-Based Digital Libraries: the Digital Library for Earth System Education as a Test Case.
Mary Marlino, Tamara Sumner, Thomas M. Boyd, Karon Kelly, Mike Wright

The Impact of Electronic Media on Research Andeducation. Role of Libraries in Information Service.
Bernd Wegner, Galina Evstigneeva

Navigation, Organization and Retrieval in Personal Collections of Email.
Benjamin M Gross

Selection of an Inverted File Compression Algorithm Using Statistics of Occurrence of Words and Word Pairs Incollection.
Max Gubin

Discovering Structural Similarity of HTML-Documents.
I. Nekrestyanov, E. Pavlova

Expanding a Web Document Represantation.
Vladimir Ivanov, Igor Nekrestyanov, Nadejda Panteleeva

EMANI, ERAM and Other European Activities Contributing to a Global Digital Library in Athematics.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wegner

Computer System "Gene Discovery" for Regularities Search and Knowledge Discovery on Gene Expression Regulation Using Integrated Digital Library Geneexpress.
E.E. Vityaev, Yu.L. Orlov, M.A. Pozdnyakov, V.G. Levitsky, O.V.Vishnevsky, N.L. Podkolodny, N.A. Kolchanov

Problems of Subject Mediator Development for Geneexpression Regulation Domain.
L.A. Kalinichenko, D.O. Briukhov, V.N. Zakharov, O.A. Podkolodnaja,N.L. Podkolodny

Programmed Metacomputing in the Mathematically Uniform Field of the Computer Information.
Yu.S. Zatuliveter

A Step in Z39.50 Server Development: Compiling an ASN.1 Subset to REBOL Data Structures.
Victor Kapustin

Integration of Library Services in the System of Digital Libraries.
A.N. Bezdushnyj, N.E. Kalenov, P.M. Kouriv, V.A. Serebryakov

Experience in Construction and Operation of the Distributed Information Systems on the Basis of the Z39.50 protocol.
Oleg Zhizhimov, Nikolay Mazov, Sergey Skibin

Information System on Russian Folklore Songs of Karelia as a Tool of Formalization and Classification of Songs.
Aleksey G. Varfolomeyev, Nikolay D. Moskin, Ignat V. Kravtsov

Organization of Bilingual Search in University Information System Russia.
Boris V. Dobrov, Natalia V. Loukachevitch

Principle of Dynamic Construction of Documents in Information Systems, on an Example of the Integrated Distributed Information System (IDIS) SB RAS.
Yu.I. Shokin, A.M. Fedotov, J.V. Leonova

Algorithmic Basics of Search Engine Development.
A.A. Tregubov, T.S. Kononova

Multilevel Digital Archives: Strategy and Experience.
L.I. Rubanov, N.S. Merzlyakov, V.N. Karnaukhov

Design and Implementation of Electronic Archive of Documents.
S. Antyoufeev, A. Marchuk, A. Nemov, K. Fedorov, V. Filippov, M.Filippova, N. Cheremnykh

Oai and Amf for Academic Self-Documentation.
Pavel I. Braslavsky, Thomas Krichel

Indexing Paths in Semistructured Data.
B. Khvostitchenko, B. Novikov

Methods of Preliminary Data Preparation for Kleinberg Algorithm.
Alexander Koryavko, Igor Nekrestyanov

Informational-Navigational Portal for Scientific Publications Access.
Petr Bogatencov, Ludmila Kozlenco, Silvia Ginculova, Natalia Keradi

Database of Minerals Inclusions as a Tool of Solution of Genetical and Practical Problems.
N.I. Ponomareva, N.G. Melnikova, S.Yu. Yanson, V.V. Michailov, A.V.Michailova

The Results of Development of the Project ZOOINT and its Future Perspectives.
I.S. Smirnov, A.L. Lobanov, A.F. Alimov, S.G. Medvedev, A.A. Golikov

Development of the Database "Mathematical Web-Resources".
V.B. Barakhnin

Complex Protection System on Tansfer of Information for Users of Electronic Libraries.
A.A. Kuznetsov

Development of Models of the Formalized Description of Industrial Technologies.
M.V. Voronov

To the Project Sakha - Russian Computer Translator.
V.V. Migalkin

Software to Create and Support XML Version of the Information System HIPNS.
A.V. Duginov, I.E. Kulikov, E.I. Litvinenko, T.L. Pikelner, R.N.Semenov

Prototype of Multifunctional Full-Text Library in the Architecture WEB-browser / WEB-server / SQL-server.
Sergey Lyapin, Alexey Kukovyakin

Structures of the Intelligent Documentary Systems.
K.I. Kostenko, A.B. Kurgan, B.E. Levitskii

Development of Distributed System for Informational Location and Control on the Corporate Web Portal "Analytical Chemistry in Russia".
V.I. Shirokova, V.P. Kolotov, M.V. Alenina

Authomatization of Digital Collection Access Using Mobile and Wireless Data Terminals.
I.V. Leontiev

Online Publication of Reference Collections.
V. Lebedev, S. Bragin, V. Starkova

Mapping XML Schema Data Types into Synthesis Types.
D.O. Briukhov, I.N. Tyurin

Representation of Mediator's Ontological Specifications in UML.
D.O. Briukhov, I.N. Tyurin

Full-Text Searching in Electronic Libraries.
A.A. Tolstobrov, V.G. Khromykh

Digital Library on Gene Networks' Structural and Functional Organization: a System for Visual Modeling.
N.L. Podkolodny, K.A. Loktev, Yu.A. Tkachev, E.A. Ananko, N.A. Kolchanov

Problems of Information Security in the Global-Distributed Information-Computing Systems.
I.Yu. Zolotnitski, A.V. Shein

Influence of Information Technologies on Development of University Libraries and Interlibrary Service in Latvia.
Olga Cudrova

Distributed Electronic Libraries as Accumulatiors of Intellectual Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.
A.M. Elizarov, T.I. Kluchenko, R.R. Nazirova

Poster: Electronic Libraries in Regional Information and Educational Enviroment of Voronezh Virtual University.
Sergej D. Kurgalin, Alexander P. Tolstobrov

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