Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies
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 RCDL 2014: Dubna 
 RCDL 2013: Yaroslavl 
 RCDL 2012: Pereslavl 
 RCDL 2011: Voronezh 
 RCDL 2010: Kazan 
 RCDL 2009: Petrozavodsk 
 RCDL 2008: Dubna 
 RCDL 2007: Pereslavl 
 RCDL 2006: Suzdal 
 RCDL 2005: Yaroslavl 
 RCDL 2004: Pushchino  
 RCDL 2003: St.Petersburg 
 RCDL 2002: Dubna 
 RCDL 2001: Petrozavodsk 
 RCDL 2000: Protvino 
 RCDL 1999: St.Petersburg 
Supported by RFBR

RCDL 1999

Первая конференция RCDL прошла на базе First RCDL conference was hosted by Saint Petersburg State University on October 19-23, 1999 and attracted over 70 participants.

In addition to 42 accepted presentations conference program included several invited talks:
  • Skepsis: A Federated Digital Library for Educational Material
    by C.N.Nikolaou (University of Crete)
  • Resource Discovery and Collection Fusion in Distributed Digital Libraries
    by N.Fuhr (University of Dortmund)
  • University of Maryland Searching and Quering Wide-Area Distributed Collection
    by M.Franklin, L.Raschid, T.Urban, M.E.Vidal, V.Zadorozhny (University of Maryland)
  • Integration of Digital Services for Libraries
    by R.Bayer (Institut fuer Informatik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen)

Conference materials:

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